Anna Mittelholz:
The Earth has evolved in a very unique way, offering a place where life is abundant. Other terrestrial planets did not follow this route. Mars, our red and dry neighbouring planet is so similar to the Earth in some ways, so different in others. InSight landed on Mars in 2019 carrying a seismometer, a heat flow probe, a radio experiment and environmental sensors including a magnetometer. I am part of the InSight Science team trying to understand the magnetic signal that will help us probe the interior of Mars.
I am trying to understand how Mars ended up where it did and contributing to the big martian puzzle.
How do planets evolve?
Why do some planets have global dynamo field while others don't?
Planetary Magnetic Fields
The two satellite missions MGS and MAVEN have been probing the Martian magnetic from orbit. I am interested in the crustal magnetic field looking at data and modelling. I am also interested in the magnetic field environment Mars is placed in, the interplanetary magnetic field and the ionosphere.
The interior structure of Mars
InSight's mission goals deal with the internal structure of Mars. With the magnetometer we can contribute to this using external fields as inducing fields and measuring the induced response which carries information about the electrical conductivity structure and thus the temperature and volatile content of the subsurface.